Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Free at last, free at last

June 14th: Most teachers won't talk about it, especially with their students, but we get just as excited about summer vacation as they do. Instead, as professionals must, we carry on encouraging them to stay focused and finish the year strongly. Of course all the while we are chomping just as hard at the bit - anxious for the freedom of the coming long days of summer. For me, the coming days were all the more sweet as they were bringing a fifteen month hiatus from my life at Waterford. Now don't get me wrong - I love my job. But the idea of an opportunity to have a long stretch of time to pursue other interests held (and holds) a great deal of appeal. Money is great - but time, real blocks of time, are precious. I fully understand the fantastic opportunity I've been given and I hope to make the most of it.

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